Burgos rabe de las calzadas

Rabé de las calzadas

On February 20, 1085, King Alfonso VI donated the town to the Hospital of the Emperor, located in the city of Burgos, in the neighborhood of San Pedro de la Fuente, and in 1128 Alfonso VII donated the hospital with all its belongings to the Burgos mitre, and since then it has been owned by the bishops and archbishops of Burgos.

Its name may have its origin in Roman times, since a large number of Roman roads passed through this municipality. Others say that the name of the municipality has its origin in the medieval repopulation and could be the name of the repopulator.

Camino de santiago. de burgos a rabé de las calzadas

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El 20 de febrero de 1085, el rey Alfonso VI donó la villa al Hospital del Emperador, situado en la ciudad de Burgos, barrio de San Pedro de la Fuente y en 1128 Alfonso VII donó al hospital con todas sus pertenencias a la mitra burgalesa, desde entonces los obispos y arzobispos de Burgos ostentaron su propiedad.

66 source of praotorre rabé de las calzadas 13th

This Site includes several fluvial sections of the Arlanzón river sub-basin (middle and lower sections): 2 sections of the Arlanzón river, and sections of the Urbel and Hormazuela rivers, and Susinos and Hormaza streams. The area covered is defined by the riverbed plus a width of 25 m on each bank along the stretches.

The riparian formations are well represented by the habitats of community interest: “Gallery forests of Salix alba and Populus alba” (92A0), “Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae)” (91E0*) and “Thermophilic woods of Fraxinus angustifolia” (91B0). In addition, the presence of the habitat “Rivers, from plain to montane levels with Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation” (3260) stands out.

The site is located on the N edge of a marked moorland spit located in the interfluve formed by the Prado Henar stream and the Urbel river. It is a site with a high strategic character due to its easily defensible position and the wide visual control exercised, dominating the Urbel and Arlanzón valleys.

Caminho de santiago orbaneja rio pico a rabé

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