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And is that today on the Internet we can find some DTT channels that we can see them on their official websites. Although they also have the disadvantage of usually not having live broadcasting or even some of them are not available in all locations, in addition to a high level of ads that come out when trying to watch the channel.
In order to watch any DTT channel it will only be necessary to go to the Internet and type its url in the search engine to access the channel’s official website. But as far as m3u or m3u8 file channels are concerned, you will need an external element that is able to play the content.
We start with VLC as the best OpenSource media player. It is one of the most famous because besides being free, it is compatible with most types of content without the need to use codecs. It plays videos on the Internet using different protocols such as IPTV.
If you want to play the m3u or m3u8 content in VLC, just right-click on the file and click on the Open with VLC or Play with VLC option. You can configure this option to associate these files with VLC and a double click will be enough to open the player.
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One of the easiest ways to watch free online tdt, would be to do it from the player that many television stations have on their website, but not all of them have live broadcasting, nor all of them allow access to it from certain locations. In the list we also leave you some links to live broadcasting from the website of the stations. The most interesting of this post is to be able to reproduce this broadcast from other media.
The links published in this post come directly from the same distributor of the official broadcast and most of them have been obtained from this document. If any of them fails or is down, leave us a comment and we will fix it as soon as possible.
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Radio Santec – SOPHIA TV destaca en sus programas temas históricos y contemporáneos, haciendo hincapié en los aspectos éticos y morales, tanto desde el punto de vista de las enseñanzas cristianas originarias como desde el punto de vista del respeto a los derechos fundamentales de la persona según las normas de la Constitución y los derechos humanos universales.Los formatos y programas incluyen documentales, tertulias, programas de consumo e informativos, programas sobre el estado del medio ambiente, sobre la protección de los animales y la naturaleza, documentales sobre la naturaleza y conferencias sobre el mundo animal y vegetal, programas sobre temas de salud así como programas de cocina vegetariana/vegana. Además, se emiten conciertos de música clásica (“Clásicos para el alma”) y programas para niños en series propias.En “Frecuencias” encontrará información sobre cómo puede recibir los programas de radio o televisión en su país. Para más información, envíenos un correo electrónico en su idioma.
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