Newspaper alert
BY PATRICIA PÉREZ MATEOSPhoto: ERNESTO AGUDOMADRID. At a time of uncertainty about the evolution of the print media worldwide, Vocento is betting on talent and is launching an improvement in the quality of its products and services.
SEVERIANO BALLESTEROS GOLF PLAYERFSeveriano Ballesteros played the most important tournament of his career a few weeks ago, a life or death duel in which the sportsman won the most prized trophy of his career.
Vocento’s portals as a whole received 21.7 million visits in November, and the news sites had more than 12.3 million Internet users, which represents a daily average of 959,000.
Alert cantabria
The Aragonese Ángel Quintana Lafita (1865-1954) directed it until 1924, and among its first editors and writers were Enrique Menéndez Pelayo (1861-1921), José María Quintanilla (1867-1925), one of the founders and manager of La Propaganda Católica, Eduardo de Huidobro (1867-1936), as well as pharmacist José Zamanillo Monreal (1866-1920); one of the founders and manager of La Propaganda Católica, Eduardo de Huidobro (1867-1936), as well as the pharmacist José Zamanillo Monreal (1866-1920), founder of the Círculo Católico de Obreros (1895) and president of La Propaganda Católica, which would have a fixed section in the newspaper of a social-Catholic nature. Later, collaborators such as Alejandro Nieto (1873-1930), who would sign with the pseudonyms Amadís and Nemo; Pedro de la Vega y de las Cagigas, who would do so with the pseudonyms Canta Claro, or José del Río Sáinz (1884-1964), who would be director of La Atalaya from 1922, would join its pages.
As the press organ of the most intransigent Catholic fundamentalism, its print runs were not large, and in its first decade the special edition published on the occasion of the death of the Carlist writer José María Pereda, in March 1906, stands out.
El confidencial
El periódico trabaja en una sede renovada y funcional, con una moderna estructura multimedia que incluye una página web con varias secciones, canales y ofertas verticales, proporcionando a los lectores y clientes una cobertura exhaustiva de la actualidad de toda Cantabria.
Licenciado en Informática por la Universidad de Deusto, MBA por la EOI y PDD por el IESE. Actualmente es Director General de la división Global Business Services de IBM para España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel.
A lo largo de su carrera profesional en IBM, ha desempeñado diversos cargos ejecutivos, siendo Director General de la división Global Technology Services en Oriente Medio y África (2016-2018), Country Manager de IBM en Turquía (2013-2015), y anteriormente como Director del sector Telco & Media para Europa Central y del Este, y como Director del Sector Público para España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel.
En 2001 asumió la responsabilidad de la Dirección General Corporativa de Occidental Hotels & Resorts, un grupo hotelero internacional, donde estuvo a cargo de las finanzas, la administración, el control de gestión, los sistemas de información y los recursos humanos.
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