The portrait of a lady
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Sobre el autorSigue a los autores para recibir actualizaciones de nuevos lanzamientos, además de recomendaciones mejoradas.Henry JamesContenido breve visible, doble toque para leer el contenido completo.Contenido completo visible, doble toque para leer el contenido breve.Henry James (1843-1916), hijo del filósofo religioso Henry James padre y hermano del psicólogo y filósofo William James, publicó muchas novelas importantes, como Daisy Miller, Las alas de la paloma, El cuenco de oro y Los embajadores.Leer másLeer menos
The aspern papers
Henry James is the writer of individual consciousness, of the many shades of subjectivity. With him the novel is interiorized, the external action loses importance in favor of the thoughts or feelings of the characters. The outside world is presented to us filtered through their subjectivity. Henry James’s fiction is driven from the outset by the desire to record reality as it affects a particular subjectivity.
The Internet has meant an immense advance in the educational field and, at the same time, of course, a setback. And the fact is that when one is faced with a compulsory reading assignment, one no longer has to complicate one’s life: it is no longer necessary to look for the scholar on duty to copy from, nor even to give oneself the arduous task of passing the data from one notebook to another, it is now as easy as searching on wikipedia, or on various other websites prepared for this purpose (not only in the…
The turn of the screw
Considered one of Henry James’ best novels, The Portrait of a Lady – a “simple story” – revolves around the young and attractive Isabel Archer, who is forced to move to England from her native United States. Once there, she establishes various relationships with other transplanted Americans, as well as with British society. Her beauty and distinction do not go unnoticed and she is sought after by several people of different types. Her final choice will lead her, paradoxically, to reveal all her greatness.
Considered one of Henry James’ best novels, The Portrait of a Lady -a “simple story”- revolves around the young and attractive Isabel Archer, who is forced to move to England from her native United States. Once there, she establishes various relationships with other transplanted Americans, as well as with British society. Her beauty and distinction do not go unnoticed and she is sought after by several people of different types. Her final choice will lead her, paradoxically, to reveal all her greatness.
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The originality of Henry James lies in creating a type of woman with a life of her own like Emma Bovary or Anna Karenina, but tinged with a sense of American independence that comes to dynamite the old social schemes of the Europe of the time, not at all complacent with women. Isabel Archer does not arrive in the Old Continent with the idea of marrying a good match or submerging herself in a society that lives by appearances, but rather she seeks to observe, learn and admire with the idea of forming an opinion about how beautiful life can be. At heart she is an idealist, and like all idealists, she confuses freedom with happiness.
What James does is to place her at the center of the story and make a series of characters pivot around her that will reveal the complete portrait of Isabel, a peculiar way of using the point of view with extraordinary results. After 55 substantial chapters we will know what Isabel Archer is like from all angles, although James has a surprise in store for us: if she only sees from one angle, all the others are hidden from her. We, the readers, will be the witnesses of those shadow zones that surround the protagonist.
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