Thermomix coulant chocolate

thermomix recipes

The delicious dessert that we all know as coulant, soufflé or chocolate volcano, if it is already easy to make as we demonstrate in this recipe, imagine with Thermomix. Some of you were waiting for the elaboration, so here it is so you can enjoy it this holiday season.

It is best to eat it hot, when the melted chocolate floods our palate. A delight that we hope will facilitate your work in the kitchen these days and provoke the praise of the diners. Enjoy this chocolate Soufflé-Coulant with Thermomix.

velocidad cuchara

El coulant o volcán de chocolate en la Thermomix se prepara con gran facilidad por lo que no tendrás que preocuparte prácticamente de nada más que de disfrutarlos, eso sí, con precaución ya que son tan deliciosos que pueden desaparecer muy rápidamente de la mesa, así que reserva los tuyos en un lugar seguro.

Los también llamados fondant fueron creados y patentados en 1981 por el chef francés Michel Bras, quien ideó este rico bizcocho de chocolate con más chocolate fundido en su interior. Cabe destacar que el restaurante de Michel Bras tenía 3 estrellas michelín.

El secreto de este postre está en que la masa del bizcocho se congela antes de su cocción para que su corazón se mantenga líquido después de esta. Una variante que prepararemos hoy con la Thermomix no requiere este paso de congelación de forma imprescindible, se puede controlar el tiempo de horneado y la temperatura en su lugar y obtener el mismo resultado.

Ingredientes 180 grs de fondant de chocolate 180 grs de mantequilla 3 huevos grandes 3 yemas de huevo 80 grs de azúcar 75 grs de harina de repostería Instrucciones1Precalentar el horno a 240º si es posible con calor arriba y abajo.

rosa ardá

The delicious dessert that we all know as coulant, soufflé or chocolate volcano, if it is already easy to make as we demonstrate in this recipe, imagine with Thermomix. Some of you were waiting for the elaboration, so here it is so you can enjoy it this holiday season.

It is best to eat it hot, when the melted chocolate floods our palate. A delight that we hope will facilitate your work in the kitchen these days and provoke the praise of the diners. Enjoy this chocolate Soufflé-Coulant with Thermomix.

chocolate volcano cookidoo

This chocolate coulant is finger-licking good! I’m a chocolate fanatic, I confess. When I go out to eat out I’m always torn between cheese and chocolate desserts, which usually end up winning. That’s why this coulant is ideal for chocolate lovers. The center is liquid and the outside is like a cupcake. Delicious!

It is a simple recipe but it is very important the cooking point so that it does not cook too much inside and it finishes curdling. The taste is very rich, the difference in texture and the combination with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream is perfect.

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