Que le a pasado a verdeliss
Morning routine with 7 children
It was in 2014 when she really became a reference for many women. While pregnant with what would be her fourth child, Julen, she began to share videos with her insecurities and fears, being answered by her followers creating a kind of community. In the middle of her pregnancy, her husband had to move back to Madrid for work reasons, leaving her alone with her three children in Pamplona and pregnant with her fourth. In addition, the fact that it was a natural birth without epidural created a lot of expectation in the followers of the channel which was also the content of several videos.
On September 7, 2018 it became official that Verdeliss was the tenth contestant of ‘Big Brother VIP’ in its sixth edition that began on Thursday 13. Verdeliss became the first pregnant woman to enter the house of ‘Big Brother’ in its entire history. The 2 November leaves the house as the sixth expusalda of the edition.
Natural childbirth
Today’s protagonist is a superwoman and mother of seven children. An influencer with millions of followers in various social networks. Despite that, they call her anorexic and say she has a debris body.
“As if turning off another woman’s light would make your own shine…. I’m going to ask you to please love and value yourselves, YOU. And repeat to yourselves like a mantra: my esteem only depends on one person, and that is me.”
Estefania is now in perfect health. She tries to dedicate as much time as possible to her children. She seems happy and strong enough to take on the world. Although in February she was admitted to hospital because she felt sick at heart. The problem was not serious and everything was solved in a couple of days. The influencer was several days with a holter to control the heart rate.
From her blog Verdeliss usually earns about 5, 600 euros per month, if she uploads a video a week. That depends on the videos uploaded and the number of followers. On Instagram she earns, more or less, 2 000 euros for each sponsored post. He also has other ways to earn money that have nothing to do with blogging.
Verdeliss youtube
Los transportistas, amenazando con la huelga. Las peluqueras, en la calle, luchando por la bajada del IVA. Los ganaderos, tres cuartos de lo mismo. ¡Lo que faltaba en 2021 era una huelga de juguetes! Pues aquí la tenemos. Todo es arrinconar la publicidad sexista desde que empezamos a tener conciencia, a ser educados en la sociedad. Es cierto que jugar no tiene género, y no dudo de la buena fe de la iniciativa, aunque sí del abultado precio del spot del ministerio de Alberto Garzón: ha costado más de 80.000 euros. ¿No os parece absurdo, con la que está cayendo? Ya puestos, podrían haber contratado a los creativos de Campofrío, que suelen emocionarnos y dejar una huella positiva en todas las edades.
Pobre familia de Canet de Mar pidiendo, desde el anonimato, por miedo, que el 25% de las clases que recibe su hijo de 5 años sean en castellano. Han tenido que escuchar todo tipo de insultos estos días, leer en las redes sociales cómo un profesor separatista llamaba para tirar piedras a su casa de habla hispana, o cómo un mosso pedía que se vaciara al menor en su aula. El último capítulo bochornoso lo ha protagonizado el consejero de Educación catalán con su visita al colegio del niño, negándose a expresarse en castellano ante las cámaras, alentando las protestas de quienes no conocen otro idioma que el de la intolerancia y el odio. Esta familia, como muchas otras, ha sufrido el maltrato ideológico durante décadas, propio de los regímenes totalitarios. Lógico y oportuno que estos acosados de Canet pidan ahora amparo judicial.
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