Fuente: C:\gram Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exeProceso creado: C:\gram Files (x86)\ternet Explorer\iexplore.exe ‘C:\gram Files (x86)\ternet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE’ SCODEF:5196 CREDAT:17410 /prefetch:2
Fuente: C:\gram Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exeProceso creado: C:\gram Files (x86)\ternet Explorer\iexplore.exe ‘C:\gram Files (x86)\ternet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE’ SCODEF:5196 CREDAT:17410 /prefetch:2
<svg width=”20″ height=”16″ viewBox=”0 0 20 16″ xmlns=””><title>Rectángulo 98</title><path d=”M6.775 10.2L3.858 7.284a.626 .626 0 0 0 0-.883-.004L1.263 8.992a.63.63 0 0 0 0 .004.883l5.14 5.14a.628.628 0 0 0 .785.082.63 0 0 0 0 .433-.184L18.4 4.138a.624 .624 0 0 0 .008-.877l-1.912-1.91a.626 .626 0 0 0-.878.007L6.775 10.2z” stroke=”#8F99BA” fill=”#CED3E6″ stroke-linecap=”round” stroke-linejoin=”round” fill-rule=”evenodd”/></svg>C:Usersuser\DataApp\Local\Microsoft\Windows\etCache\IE\0W10PBUV\bullet[1]
<svg width=”396″ height=”264″ viewBox=”0 0 396 264″ xmlns=”” xmlns:xlink=””><title>poo</title><defs><path id=”a” d=”M117.333 233.917C52.946 233.917.75 181.72.75 117.333.75 52.946.75 52.946.75 117.333.75s116.584 52.196 116. 584 116.583c0 64.388-52.197 116.584-116.584 116.584z”/><path id=”c” d=”M117.333 234.667c64.802 0 117.334-52.532 117.334-117.334C234.667 52. 533 182.135 0 117.333 0 52.533 0 52.532 0 117.333c0 64.802 52.532 117.334 117.333 117.334z”/><path id=”e” d=”M62.333 123.933c34.02 0 61.6-27. 58 61.6-61.6s-27.58-61.6-61.6-61.6 27.58-61.6 61.6 27.58 61.6 61.6 61.6z”/><path id=”g” d=”M62.333 123.933c34.02 0 61.6-27.58 61.6-61. 6s-27.58-61.6-61.6-61.6 27.58-61.6 61.6 27.58 61.6 61.6 61.6 61.6z”/><path id=”i” d=”M38.378 77.006C17.192 77.006.018 59.83.018 38.644. 017 17.458 17.19.284 38.377.284s38.36 17.174 38.36 38.36c0 21.187-17.174 38.362-38.36 38.362z”/><path id=”k” d=”M39.378 78.756c21.6 0 39. 11-17.51 39.11-39.112 0-21.6-17.51C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\MEEXW4H4\illustration3-c1bc37ae12164b53ee20[1].svg (22.04.2020) To reinforce the attention given to the RED authorized in order to provide assistance in accordance with the needs of this group and to enhance the use of the telematic channel, a new service called CASIA (Coordination, Comprehensive Attention and Support to the RED Authorized) has been made available to the RED authorized, which is available in the Virtual Office of the RED System and through which queries can be raised, errors or incidents can be reported, and requests for procedures can be submitted.
To reinforce the attention given to the RED authorized in order to provide assistance in accordance with the needs of this group and to enhance the use of the telematic channel, a new service called CASIA (Coordination, Comprehensive Care and Support to the RED Authorized) that is available in the Virtual Office of the RED System and through which queries can be raised, errors or incidents reported, as well as submitting requests for procedures.
It consists of a virtual secretarial type operational assistance service: drafting mails, arranging appointments, translating administrative mail… And all the administrative support you need, on an occasional or periodic basis.
✓ 5-hour pack. ✓ Detailed record of the hours for each management. ✓ You can extend the pack, with a rate of 40 € + VAT per hour without displacement of an expert with a rate of 48 € + VAT with displacement. ✓ With the possibility of urgent processing, within three working days, with a supplement of 25%.
I entrusted Plug&Play with the change of offices and the reinstallation of the network. They contacted the right company and followed up on the project. As a result, we were able to open the new offices without losing a single day of work.
Electronic headquarters (22.04.2020) To reinforce the attention given to the RED authorized in order to provide assistance in accordance with the needs of this group and to enhance the use of the telematic channel, a new service called CASIA (Coordination, Comprehensive Care and Support to the RED Authorized) has been made available to the RED authorized, which is available in the Virtual Office of the RED System and through which queries can be raised, errors or incidents can be reported, as well as requests for procedures can be submitted.
To reinforce the attention given to the RED authorized in order to provide assistance in accordance with the needs of this group and to enhance the use of the telematic channel, a new service called CASIA (Coordination, Comprehensive Care and Support to the RED Authorized) that is available in the Virtual Office of the RED System and through which queries can be raised, errors or incidents reported, as well as submitting requests for procedures.
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