Oscar camps de que vive
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Nacido en Barcelona, Camps era propietario de una empresa de socorrismo con sede en Badalona, Pro-Activa Serveis Aquatics, que se dedicaba a los servicios marítimos, concretamente a la seguridad acuática y al socorrismo. En el contexto de la crisis migratoria europea, durante la guerra civil siria, cuando miles de personas perdían la vida intentando llegar a Europa, Camps decidió trasladarse a Lesbos, una isla griega cercana a Turquía, para evaluar la situación sobre el terreno. El acontecimiento clave que le impulsó a trasladarse fue la publicación de las imágenes del cadáver de Alan Kurdi, un niño de tres años que había muerto al intentar cruzar la frontera con su familia[2]. Él y algunos colegas decidieron aplicar sus conocimientos de salvamento para ayudar a rescatar a los refugiados que intentaban llegar a la Unión Europea a través del mar Egeo[3].
En septiembre de 2015 un grupo de voluntarios decidió fundar la ONG Proactiva Open Arms, financiada con 15.000 euros,[5] y se desplazó a la isla trabajando en tareas de rescate. Al principio, el único material con el que contaban era varios trajes de neopreno, aletas y tubos de respiración. Las principales actividades del grupo eran guiar y ayudar a llegar a las playas a los refugiados, principalmente sirios, que llegaban desde Turquía en embarcaciones muy precarias[6]. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, el equipo disponible mejoró, principalmente gracias a las donaciones de particulares[7].
òscar camps sons
The human rights activist has for some time been engaged in a constant battle against the extreme right represented by Matteo Salvini and another sector that lurches to the left represented by Pedro Sanchéz.
That night the news of a shipwreck off the Libyan coast in which a hundred people had drowned reached Lampedusa, but the spotlight and the front pages were still focused on the situation of Camps’ boat and on the darts that were thrown from one sector to the other.
Many do not understand why he did not disobey the Italian Minister, Matteo Salvini and his policy of closed ports and finally did not disembark in Lampedusa in the face of the desperate situation of the immigrants on board.
Like most heroes, Camps also has his detractors. In the first place, there are mainly the Salvini and Abascal who, from an extreme right-wing ideology, accuse Proactiva of working in coexistence with mafias that traffic immigrants, in fact, the president of Vox filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office against the Open Arms for collaboration with a criminal organization for trafficking in persons.
what is open arms
The second floor houses another studio type room. This property was built in 1983 and was inherited by Óscar Camps, which is why a person with whom he shares his second surname is also listed as co-owner. The house has a slate roof prepared to withstand heavy snowfalls. Santa Coloma de Farners is the municipality where the president of the Generalitat Quim Torra was born.
On the second floor, also 78 square meters, there are three bedrooms, one of them en suite. Just above is located the attic of 43 square meters, which is divided into a study and another room with terrace and solarium. From this space you can see the beach and the town center of the municipality. The house also has a garage of 96 square meters.
The developer Solrosell SL rents the townhouses of the urbanization for a price ranging between 1,400 and 2,000 euros per month. It also offers them for sale for a price of between 800,000 and 900,000 euros. OKDIARIO has been able to verify that several chalets of the complex are for sale, in a well-known Internet real estate portal, for a price of between 730,000 and 795,000 euros.
oscar camps twitter
This is the dark side of the humanitarian icon of our times. Of a young man who aspired to be a cartoonist, who found in lifeguarding his modus vivendi, who created an empire in this sector and who has ended up being famous for rescuing people from the sea, but criticized (and condemned) for his bad practices with his workers.
They tell from the union, from where they claim to have collected numerous communications with former workers fed up with the poor working conditions, that “when it is presented to the contest says it has, for example, an ambulance for that beach. Then it turns out that it is not true and that, when needed, it has to bring it from another beach, leaving one uncovered”.
They do not understand that, despite strikes, court convictions and bad work experiences such as those they had in the Balearic Islands with their lifeguard company (which ended up withdrawing from the coast before the contract even expired), they continue to be awarded contracts on the Barcelona coast. His alleged friendship with Mayor Ada Colau has been a factor repeated ad nauseam in the maritime environment of Barcelona. The mayor awarded him in 2016, once again, the management of the lifeguarding of the beaches of Barcelona. A shadow too long.
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