End of the f ing world
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The End of the F***ing World is a British dark comedy-drama television series based on the graphic novel The End of the F***ing World by Charles S. Forsman. The first part consisted of eight episodes and premiered on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on October 24, 2017, then the full season premiered on All 4. The End of the F***ing World was released exclusively on Netflix internationally on January 5, 2018. On October 8, 2019, Netflix announced the date of the second season which was available from November 5, 2019 and also consists of a total of 8 episodes.
The series follows James, who is a boy who defines himself as a psychopath, meets Alyssa, a girl who in her words, “hates everyone”. Both James and Alyssa go to the same high school and have a seemingly unhappy life. Alyssa meets James after arguing with her friends because one of them talks to her on her cell phone while sitting in front of her and eating together; this upset Alyssa a lot so she breaks her phone and leaves, at that moment she stops in front of James, since she had noticed him before, and decides to talk to him. The two leave high school together and begin an apparent dating relationship. James’ personality attracts Alyssa while James only thinks about how he would kill her. James seeks to kill a human being, he had already experienced killing several animals and was looking for a greater pleasure.
el fin del mundo f temporada 3
Ahora que por fin se ha estrenado la segunda temporada, la tercera temporada de The End of the F***ing World puede ampliar la historia de varias maneras. La serie de Channel 4-Netflix está basada en la novela gráfica de Charles Forsman, y explora los altibajos de dos adolescentes fugitivos. La temporada 2 de The End of the F***ing World se estrenó en noviembre de 2019, dos años después de que se estrenara la primera temporada.
En la temporada 2 de The End of the F***ing World, Alex Lawther y Jessica Harden retoman sus papeles como James y Alyssa, respectivamente. La historia se retoma dos años después de que James estuviera a punto de morir a manos de las autoridades, después de haber asesinado a alguien -un asesino en serie- que intentó aprovecharse de Alyssa. La segunda temporada de The End of the F***ing World vuelve a reunir a los dos personajes principales, pero sólo después de que Alyssa se case y planee llevar una vida relativamente normal. Cuando James aparece, Alyssa cede a sus sentimientos y los dos se lanzan a la carretera una vez más.
La segunda temporada de The End of the F***ing World comienza con una secuencia de flashbacks que establece el conflicto principal de la historia. Bonnie (Naomi Ackie) -el interés amoroso de la víctima de James- planea una venganza, y finalmente se enfrenta a los amantes adolescentes. Esto es lo que se puede esperar de la tercera temporada de The End of the F***ing World.
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Another of the most interesting attributes of the series are the two young people who carry each and every one of the eight episodes of the series. Jessica Barden – known to fans from the terrific Penny Dreadful – and Alex Lawther – for further reference, he was the boy whose life is turned into hell by a hacker in the episode “Shut up and Dance” from the third season of Black Mirror – deliver two compelling performances as James and Alyssa, becoming the heart and soul of the series and two strong additions to the story. The expressive deadpan of Lawther, who slowly becomes the warmest and noblest figure in the series, and the sustained madness of Barden, who hides something beyond her disinterest shown in the first few episodes, steal the show without much trouble.
the end of the f world season 1
In a matter of hours the two teenagers begin an escape from the world they detest so much to the rhythm of Superboy & Supergirl. An adventure in a stolen car and chased by the police reminiscent of the famous fugitives Bonnie and Clyde.
Successful seriesBased on the comic book by Charles S. Forsman, one of the keys to the success of the series is its format. Episodes are 22 minutes long and are fast-paced, entertaining and most importantly: addictive.
In addition, this kind of road movie mixes several elements that combine to perfection: black humor, teenage drama and what ends up being a passionate love story that does not leave indifferent.
When you don’t fit inBut undoubtedly the best thing about The End of the F***ing World is its young protagonists. At the beginning, James is presented as a presumed murderer with no feelings, but during the course of the series he is discovered as someone who just wants to feel loved.
Second season?For now, the series only has one season that has an epic ending, the same as in the original comic book. So, should the producers decide to create a second season, the writers will have to start from scratch.
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