El pueblo de ceuta digital

sporting ceuta

Thanks to its strategic location, the port of Ceuta plays an important role in the crossing of the strait, as well as in the communications between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the rugged terrain and the scarcity of water, energy and raw materials, both the primary sector, with the exception of fishing, and the secondary sector have little weight in the economy. Likewise, the construction sector is very restricted, due to the shortage of land. However, Ceuta has free port status and a series of tax advantages that favor trade. Its land border separates it from the Moroccan prefecture of Rincón-Castillejos and the province of Fahs-Anyera, both belonging to the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region.

The earliest traces of human presence in Ceuta date back to 250,000 BC.[6] In the 7th century BC, Phoenician settlements took place on the cathedral promontory and founded the city under the name of Abyla. It was later occupied by Phocene Greeks, who renamed it Hepta Adelphoi.

melilla today

“With this gesture we take a historic step and mark a before and after in our ambition to bring the party closer to the citizens, with a policy of proximity that has already taken us through all the neighborhoods of the City,” say the socialists.

The Secretary General of the PSOE ceutí Manuel Hernandez stresses that “this is a historic moment for the socialists ceutíes, and they have never had, I remember, with a second headquarters in the City”.

Manuel Hernandez has made it clear that “it is a headquarters open to all, and that the intention is that it lasts over time. It will be a place for dialogue, debate and political discussion, always surrounded by the terms of democracy”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Federation of Neighbors of the City, union representatives of the UGT and the police unions AUGC and SUP, as well as numerous supporters and neighbors of the neighborhood.

Ayuso affirms that the internal gap of the PP will end “when the Congress arrives” regionalCarmen Calvo: “I do not need a position to deploy my work as a feminist “Pablo Casado before the internal gap of the party: “Personalism does not fit in the PP”.


Second final provision. Amendment of Law 5/2006, of April 10, 2006, regulating conflicts of interest of members of the Government and senior officials of the General State Administration.

The Law, therefore, does not start from nothing, nor does it fill an absolute vacuum, but rather deepens what has already been achieved, making up for its shortcomings, correcting its deficiencies and creating a legal framework in accordance with the times and the interests of the citizens.

Chapter II, dedicated to active publicity, establishes a series of obligations for the subjects included in the scope of application of Title I, which will have to disseminate certain information without waiting for a specific request from the public. This includes data on institutional, organizational and planning information, of legal relevance and of an economic, budgetary and statistical nature.

With regard to challenges, an optional claim prior to the judicial process is created, which will be heard by the Council for Transparency and Good Governance, a newly created independent body, and which replaces the administrative appeals.


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UNHCR (2015). Population displacement due to war and persecution reaches highest level ever recorded. Retrieved from http://www.acnur.org/t3/noticias/noticia/el-desplazamiento-de-poblacion-por-guerras-y-persecucion-alcanza-el-nivel-mas-alto-jamas-registrado/

DIGMUN (December 19, 2016). DIGMUN defends child protection and values the efforts of the MENA of ‘La Esperanza’. El Pueblo de Ceuta. http://elpueblodeceuta.es/not/12840/digmun-defiende-la-proteccion-a-la-infancia-y-valora-el-esfuerzo-de-los-mena-de-lsquo-la-esperanza-rsquo-/

El Pueblo de Ceuta (December 3, 2016). Approved the 1.4 million agreement to attend to the MENA. Retrieved from http://elpueblodeceuta.es/not/13416/aprobado-el-convenio-de-1-4-millones-para-atender-a-los-mena/