Consejeria empleo junta de

regional ministry of employment, training and self-employment.

The DOE has published the call of the Ministry of Education and Employment of the tests for obtaining the certificate of overcoming key skills, necessary for access to certificates of professionalism level 2 and 3.

The Regional Minister of Education and Employment, Esther Gutiérrez, has presided at the IES Sáenz de Buruaga, in Mérida, the delivery of diplomas received for their participation in the program of Schools Ambassadors of Europe.Read more

The Regional Ministry of Education and Employment has approved 16 projects to be developed in the new edition of Crisol-Training. This program is aimed at people at risk of social exclusion, from the most disadvantaged areas of the big cities of the more

The Regional Ministry of Education and Employment has resolved the grants for methodological innovation in the field of employment in Extremadura. Thus, 27 entities in the region will be able to develop projects of this type. The objective of these aids is to promote new actions in active employment policies through research, experimentation and the development of innovative actions in the field of employment that are adapted to the characteristics of the labor market and the profiles of the people seeking employment in each territory, in order to improve their employability. The Regional Government of Extremadura allocates 900,000 euros to this new more

andalusian employment service A tele-training offer. It will be developed, as an experimental character by the School of Gelves, the first complete certificate of professionalism through distance learning, with the specialty of teaching for training. To access the training of each school it is necessary to submit the application form in each center. Both the schedule and the deadlines for the call for training actions in each school are available on the pages that each school has on the website of the Regional Ministry of Employment:, which you can then submit together with the requested documentation through the telematic registry of the Regional Government of Andalusia (digital certificate required) or physically deliver it to any of the General Registries: General Registry of the Ministry of Employment, Training and Self-Employment and its Territorial Delegations of Employment, Training, Self-Employment, and Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities, throughout Andalusia (

junta de andalucía education

Among other aspects to be filled in the form, a descriptive report of the entity must be detailed, including objectives, composition and list of provincial headquarters, as well as a detailed budget breakdown by eligible items, such as salary costs, rent of premises and supplies (water, gas, electricity and similar), or communications (telephone, internet, mail, courier and similar).

The payment of the granted subsidy will be materialized through the issuance of an advance for an amount equal to 50% of the granted subsidy once the granting resolution has been approved, and the remaining 50% will be paid once the expenses incurred for an amount equal to or greater than 50% of the granted amount have been justified, and prior to September 30, 2020.

In March 2020, there were 5,341 social economy companies in Andalusia, of which 3,692 (69.1%) are cooperative companies and 1,649 (30.9%) are worker-owned companies. These companies have 81,732 employees, of which 71,014 (86.9%) are employed in cooperatives and 10,718 (13.1%) in worker-owned companies.

education department

If you are an entrepreneur or self-employed professional and your economic activity is defined within these CNAE (see list, Annexes I and II DL 10/2021), you can apply for your aid, in the granting of these subsidies, processed by the Regional Ministry of Employment, Training and Self-Employment, all the Ministries with competences in the business field participate, according to the list of assigned CNAES:

Now you can access the subsidy, as long as at the time of the application your company is not in any of the circumstances provided for in Article 2 of the revised text of the Bankruptcy Law, nor has it initiated the actions provided for in Title II and III of the aforementioned law.

For more information, please access our FAQ sections, program conditions and related regulations. You can also contact us through the following means:

Andalucía Emprende has more than 250 Andalusian Entrepreneurship Centers and more than 50 information points, where you will find the permanent support of a qualified technical team of specialists.