7 es cita previa inem
electronic headquarters
Today, for the management and performance of these functions related to unemployment, there is the so-called NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SYSTEM, which is made up of two different bodies with different functions. Their physical location is usually in the same place, but separated in adjoining offices and with the important difference that one depends on the Autonomous Community and the other on the State.
A second task of the SEPE (which is the most interesting for us) is to manage and control unemployment benefits and subsidies: it is the SEPE who pays our unemployment benefit or subsidy.
The SEPE has a central office and 52 delegations (one in each province plus the two autonomous cities) and a very extensive network of offices which tries to be close to the workers who will go to it to apply for their benefits.
In short, and speaking of what interests us, it is the regional employment office which registers us as unemployed and where we renew our unemployment registration, and it is the state SEPE which pays the unemployment subsidy or benefit, but in order for it to pay it, it requires us to be registered in the regional unemployment office.
passport pre-appointment
If you do not have secure means of identification, the SEPE has an online pre-application form. By simply filling out this form you can apply for benefits without having to go to the INEM offices. This article explains how to fill in and submit the SEPE pre-application form.
Confirm the office where you will go and fill in the applicant’s personal data (name and surname). Verify the type of procedure for which you wish to go to an employment office and accept.
The advantages of making an appointment by this means are that it is very fast, it works 24 hours a day and it can be done from anywhere, since you only have to use your cell phone.
appointment for nie
In order to obtain this appointment, the agency has a service for requesting a prior appointment at the Electronic Headquarters. In order to access it, one must click on the section ‘People’ and then on the section ‘Make an appointment to be attended by the SEPE’.
This tool does not require a digital certificate (it can be obtained in four simple steps) or any of the telematic access methods; it is only necessary to enter the information which the system requests from the citizen: the zip code, the National Identity Card and the procedure which is the reason for the visit.
With these data, the system proposes an office that the citizen must accept. Next, the available appointment days will appear: once one is chosen, the personal and contact data must be entered to proceed with the reservation of the appointment time and date.
At the same time, the SEPE sets up a 24-hour helpline so that citizens can make appointments by answering the questions asked by the automatic recording system. This number is 91 273 83 84. Other procedures without digital certificate However, the SEPE explains that there are certain unemployment procedures which can be carried out without an electronic signature, through the pre-application form and tr@mites: this is the case of pre-applications for individual benefits, cancellation of benefits, changes in direct debits or communications of incidents which affect the citizen’s unemployment benefit.
appointment for foreigners
You can request an INEM certificate or even an IRPF income tax certificate online if you have a digital certificate (DNIe), electronic DNI, Cl@ve, or a cell phone PIN code. Some certificates can be downloaded in pdf instantly, and others are sent to the applicant’s home address. Access the service here:
This is a certificate that must be issued by companies at the end of the hiring of an employee, due to dismissal or any other reason. With it, the worker has a record to determine whether he/she is entitled to receive benefits or aid. The company prepares and sends it through a computer application called ‘Certific@2’, so it is not usually delivered by hand. If a physical copy is required, it can be requested at an employment office.
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