Maldonado santiago cuerpo
President of argentina
The Santiago Maldonado case, refers to the investigation opened following the death of Santiago Andrés Maldonado after a release from a roadblock carried out by the National Gendarmerie on August 1, 2017, in the Pu Lof in Resistance of Cushamen,[2] located in the province of Chubut, Argentina. [3][4] The day before, Maldonado had participated in a roadblock, framed in the struggle for the ancestral lands traditionally occupied by the Mapuche community, which was forcibly dispersed by troops of the National Gendarmerie in the early morning of August 1.[5] His body was found in the Chubut River, inside the Pu Lof, raided on the day of his disappearance, on October 17, 2017, when 77 days had passed without news of his whereabouts.[6]
The autopsy established that Santiago Maldonado “died from drowning by submersion in the water of the Chubut River coadjutted by hypothermia”, that he had remained “always underwater and not in another environment”, and the existence of bruises or trauma associated with an intentional death was ruled out.[7]
Espinoza death
The brother of the young activist, Sergio Maldonado, confirmed this Friday 20th his identification. “We were able to look at the body, what we recognized were Santiago’s tattoos, so we are convinced that it is Santiago,” he declared at the doors of the judicial morgue where the autopsy was being performed.
He indicated that his family was able to recognize the tattoos when the body was presented to start the medical expertise, but clarified that “from now on, the autopsy begins and there will be the confirmation in a few days with the DNA”.
“In the noon hours, a lifeless body was found in the Chubut River, approximately 300 meters upstream from the epicenter of the conflict that developed on August 1, 2017,” the Federal Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Esquel (south) had reported.
The body, dressed in dark clothes, was hooked in the branches of some willow trees, in the hollow of the river, about 1,500 meters from the guard of the Mapuche community Pu Lof, in the direction of the city Esquel, northeast of the province of Chubut.
Qué pasó con aniyah
La muerte de Santiago Maldonado se refiere al ahogamiento de un activista argentino que desapareció después de que la Gendarmería Nacional argentina dispersara una manifestación contra las actividades del Grupo Benetton en el departamento de Cushamen, provincia de Chubut, Argentina, el 1 de agosto de 2017. El cuerpo de Maldonado fue encontrado en octubre en el cercano río Chubut. La autopsia del cuerpo indicó que la causa de la muerte de Santiago fue “ahogamiento por inmersión en el agua del río Chubut, contribuido por hipotermia”, que no había signos de violencia, y que el cuerpo había permanecido bajo el agua durante al menos 55 días.[1][2] En noviembre, una comisión de 55 expertos forenses afirmó que Maldonado murió por asfixia e hipotermia, y que no había pruebas de golpes o lesiones en su cuerpo. La familia de Maldonado sigue creyendo que fue víctima de una desaparición forzada[3][4].
Santiago Andrés Maldonado (nacido el 25 de julio de 1989) era un artesano y tatuador de la localidad de Veinticinco de Mayo, provincia de Buenos Aires. Unos meses antes de su desaparición se había trasladado a El Bolsón, provincia de Río Negro, a unos 70 kilómetros al norte de un asentamiento mapuche llamado Cushamen. Maldonado apoyaba a las comunidades aborígenes en sus reivindicaciones territoriales, pero, según su familia, nunca antes había tenido actividad política porque “no cree en la política”[5].
Santiago maldonado dead
On October 17, 2017, the remains of the young artisan, who disappeared on August 1 in the middle of a demonstration by the Mapuche community in which the Gendarmerie intervened, were found in the Chubut River. The weak points of the investigation.
The autopsy concluded that Santiago died by drowning, “due to hypothermia” and without signs of violence. However, the date of death could not be determined, and therefore, neither the precise place; the main file is still classified as “forced disappearance”; the Maldonado family requested the incorporation of a criminal expert to investigate the role of the Gendarmerie in the repression without a warrant that ended with the disappearance and death of Santiago. Judge Lleral rejected it.
The Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation of the Nation must decide whether to uphold Judge Lleral’s decision to declare the wiretapping of several Mapuche witnesses and Sergio Maldonado null and void.
Social organizations and relatives of the victim mobilized in all provinces to demand the clarification of the case that ended with the discovery of the lifeless body of the artisan under the waters of the Chubut river.
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