A second before us

Books spain

We tend to think that our decisions are made by ourselves. But a series of surprising experiments revealed that what we already call “us” lives a slightly delayed copy of reality. The one pulling the strings is someone else in the shape of our brain.

When any of you think you are making a decision, you are actually just passively watching a kind of delayed internal video (specifically with a delay of 300 milliseconds) of the real decision that took place unconsciously in your brain a long time before it “occurred to you” to, for example, raise your arm.

Ben Libet determined that brain potentials are activated 350 milliseconds before we have the conscious intention to act. So before we are even aware that we are thinking about moving our arm, our brain is already working to perform the movement.

Looked at this way, then, what role does conscious will play in the voluntary act? Are we responsible for what we do? More or less. Although the command to perform an act is sent before we have voluntarily willed it, the truth is that we have about 100 milliseconds to stop that act (although not always, look at what happens when someone threatens a blow against your face: you close your eyes even if you don’t want to).

In the end they both die synopsis

“Alice Kellen has the ability to make you read hundreds of pages without almost realizing it, to bring a smile and a tear to your eye, to make you feel identified with her characters, to make you want to shout at them…”

I love books that when you want to realize you have read more than a hundred pages at once. It happened to me with this book and it ALWAYS happens to me with any book I read by Alice. That’s why she is my favorite author. It is really stimulating for reading lovers like me, to find a book that grabs you in such a way that you forget everything around you and live in the bubble that the author has created.

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Alice Kellen’s heartwarming Let It Happen bilogy, collected in a beautiful slipcaseEverything We Never WereLeah is broken. Leah no longer paints. Leah has been a mirage since the accident that took her away.

The denouement of the Let It Happen Bilogy. What will happen to Axel and Leah?Following the success of Everything We Never Were comes the denouement of the “Let It Happen” Bilogy. What will happen to Axel and Leah?

Because sometimes all it takes is one “let it happen” to risk it all.Part one of Alice Kellen’s “Let It Happen” Bilogy:Leah is broken. Leah no longer paints. Leah is a mirage since the accid.

Because sometimes all it takes is one “let it happen” to risk it allFirst part of Alice Kellen’s “Let It Happen” bilogy:Leah is broken. Leah no longer paints. Leah is a mirage from the accide.

Autumn has grown up in foster care and her past is like a blank canvas. She knows it’s important to stand up for her ideas, live for the day and not hold on to things, but she has a soft spot for “the home

You and other natural disasters

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. The second day of the seminar Planet Earth: Anti-Systemic Movements brought North American experiences of struggle, through the presentations of Emory Douglas, former member of the Black Panthers, and a representative of the Movement for Justice in El Barrio in New York.

Throughout the presentations, testimonies of solidarity between struggles were heard several times. One such instance was the opening of the table with the reading of a poem written by Meres-sia, Emory’s daughter. In the text, she recalled a time before countries and borders, when things were different: Before we were you and me, we were a we and we were one.

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