Best protein whey isolate

the best whey protein

But it’s not so easy to reach your protein requirements with food alone, that’s why it’s so interesting to supplement with Whey protein, the best way to reach your protein requirements anywhere and without having to go through the kitchen.

It’s BLACK FRIDAY week, and we’ve got two of the best proteins in our comparison at crazy prices. Use the code MYPCODE at checkout if you choose MYPROTEIN protein and BLACKWEEK2021 for FOODSPRING, you can get discounts of up to 60%!!! I’ve already bought protein for a good season. 

Whey protein is a supplement and like all supplements, it is not essential for gaining muscle mass. However, it is the most convenient way to reach your daily protein requirements.

There are several types of Whey protein: concentrated (little processed), isolated (more processed and with less percentage of fats and carbohydrates) and hydrolyzed (the most processed but free of fats, carbohydrates and allergens).

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Proteins are one of the most important components for our organism. They are composed of different amino acids essential for building tissue and increasing muscle mass.  So much so that sufficient protein intake can optimize strength training. Just keep in mind that a person’s musculature is largely composed of protein.  Hence, therefore, its importance and its leading role in increasing muscle mass.

The body obtains a sufficient amount of proteins through food. That is why there are proteins of both vegetable and animal origin.  The protein needs of a person to increase muscle mass will depend on the intensity of training. This is why an adequate protein intake is required for our health.

Protein should be consumed just before and/or after a training session. This is undoubtedly the best way to get the most out of it.  Protein intake during the training period can increase increases in fat-free mass.

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Whey is the yellowish-greenish liquid that separates from casein during the coagulation phase of cheese making. It consists of water, proteins and fats of high biological value.

In the past, this whey was discarded, but it was found that large quantities of it were generated, so it was decided to use it in some way. Today, it is used to produce concentrates that are used in the manufacture of food and sports nutrition supplements.

The best system for obtaining it is cross-flow microfiltration (CFM). This is a technology that is not aggressive with proteins, since it does not denature them, as it consists of a totally mechanical cold filtration through different membranes; therefore, the proteins remain biologically active. In this way, proteins are separated from carbohydrates and fat, for the most part.

Incorporating whey protein in the diet is not complicated, but you have to know what you choose and why. A good protein supplement has to help us before and after sports training.

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Here is the natural life cycle of a dietary supplement: it is introduced for the first time and only “stalwart” fitness athletes try it, facing unknown risks, but also its potential benefits. This also happened with the best whey protein you could imagine.

For example, in the case of creatine, after much research to establish creatine monohydrate as excellent (and micronized as a possible “improvement” due to improved water solubility), instead of simply selling creatine monohydrate, dozens of companies decided to make variations for no real reason.

Whey protein is more than proven, mainly because it is just whey protein (and as such, we can extend a lot of data on dairy proteins and foods in general), but also because, along with soy protein, they are research standards for evaluating the quality of a protein.

Of course, we don’t just drink the whey unprocessed; that would be very disgusting. It needs to be processed in some way, which is what led to different “forms” of whey protein. Simply put, it’s different processing techniques.